CLICO (Trinidad) Ltd © 2016  |  All Rights Reserved

​Legal & Privacy Policies


Check ListThis form must be completed by all clients and submitted with Application.

Payment Request Application Form

This form must be completed by all clients to access the Final payment of Short Term Investment Products (STIPs)

(Print this form on legal-sized paper 8.5 x 14 inches)

Third Party Statutory Declaration Form                      

This form must be completed by all clients to confirm that they are neither presently nor have been in 2008 - 2009 a Director or Officer of CLICO Investment Bank, Colonial Life Insurance Company [Trinidad] Limited, British American Insurance Company (Trinidad) Limited, Caribbean Money Market Brokers or CL Financial Limited

(see definition of 3rd Party here

(Print this form on legal-sized paper 8.5 x 14 inches) 

SPECIMEN - Third Party Statutory Declaration Form

This is a guide to completing the Third Party Statutory Declaration Form.

Statutory Declaration of Lost Policy Form
This form must be completed by clients who have lost their original STIPs contract.  The completed form must be witnessed by a Commissioner of Affidavits.  Upon completion, the policy will be advertised in the press for six weeks before final processing.
Know Your Customer FormThis form must be completed by all clients.  Completion of this form facilitates compliance with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) legislation, as well as The Central Bank’s guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and the Combating of the Terrorist Financing (CTF).

Download and print the forms that are applicable to you

#29 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain              +1(868) 625-4444 


STIP Holders: Payment to Residents 

and Non-Residents

For any additional STIPs queries email us at: